Nutrafol Men
Recommended for: Men ages 18+ with thinning hair due to genetics, hormones, stress, and unhealthy lifestyle habits
Benefits: Fuller hair and scalp coverage, visibly thicker hair volume, and faster-growing, stronger hair. Does not compromise sexual performance; plus, reduced feelings of stress and improved sleep.
Nutrafol Women
Recommended for: Women ages 18-44 with thinning hair due to stress, dieting, and overstyling.
Benefits: Visibly thicker hair volume, less shedding, and fastergrowing, stronger hair. Plus, visibly thicker, longer lashes and brows, reduced feelings of stress, and improved sleep – as reported by patients.
Nutrafol Women Balance
Recommended for: Women ages 45+ with thinning hair who are experiencing hormonal fluctuations peri- and postmenopause.
Benefits: Visibly thicker hair volume, fuller scalp coverage, visibly softer, shinier, and stronger hair, and less shedding. Plus, reduced feelings of stress and improved sleep.
Before & Afters