Cancellation and No-Show Policy

We strive to render excellent medical care to you and to the rest of our patients. In order to do so, we have had to implement an appointment cancellation and no-show policy.

We understand that a situation may arise in which you must cancel your appointment. Please provide more than a 24-hour notice. Office appointments that are cancelled with less than a 24-hour notification may be subject to a $45.00 cancellation fee. Patients who do not show up for their appointment will be considered as No-Show and will be subject to a $45.00 fee. Additionally, cancellations involving a surgeon may incur a $100.00 surgeon fee.

We understand that a special, unavoidable circumstance may cause you to cancel within 24 hours. Fees in this instance may be waived, but only with Management’s approval.

Our practice firmly believes that a good patient relationship is based upon good communication. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.