The surest way to keep your skin looking young, healthy, and all-around amazing is by pampering it whenever possible. To this end, you owe it to yourself to take advantage of the many different facial treatments that we have available at our office in Louisville. These incredibly soothing procedures are guaranteed to leave your complexion looking smoother, brighter, and far more even in both texture and tone. Best of all, when it comes to minimizing the signs of aging, and normal wear and tear, scheduling a professional treatment is certain to produce impressive results.
The facial treatments at our office can improve blood flow, oxygen supply, and nutrient delivery. These benefits, however, hardly represent the full range of rejuvenating effects that can be gained from these procedures. A good treatment will additionally unclog your pores, make blackhead extraction much easier, stave off future breakouts, and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Sadly, no matter how diligent you are in your efforts to protect and pamper your skin, some forms of skin damage are bound to occur. It’s virtually impossible to completely escape the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays. Moreover, common life habits such as alcohol consumption, smoking, poor sleep hygiene, and the use of chemical-laden skin care products will definitely take their toll. Facial treatments like dermal fillers, peels, and light-based treatments are the perfect rejuvenating treatments for refreshing your skin after long days spent on the job, a wild night out on the town, and general self-neglect. If your fast-paced and hectic lifestyle has left you with a dull, dry complexion, getting a professional treatment in Louisville is the quickest way to brighten your skin and improve its overall texture and tone.
If you’re worried about the fast-developing signs of natural skin aging, then scheduling regular treatments with us is an excellent and incredibly easy way to regain your youthful good looks. With these treatments, you can stave off the need for more invasive skin renewing procedures by effectively minimizing and preventing problems like sun spots, age spots, over-large pores, and dynamic wrinkles around the lips and eyes, and at the mouth.
Learn more by scheduling a consultation with Plastic Surgeon Dr. Joseph Banis in Louisville. Contact our office today to book your appointment!