It is very likely that you have done some research and have learned that chemical peels can do wonders for your skin. The exfoliation they provide can help reveal healthy, fresh skin that you have underneath the damaged and unattractive top layers of skin. Now that you are interested in chemical peels, you may wonder which is the right option for you. We can help you choose the right peels for you when you visit our office in Louisville, KY.
Exfoliation is extremely important if you want to have healthy and attractive skin. It is necessary in order to get rid of the outer layers of skin that are damaged and dull. Individuals who do not exfoliate their skin on a regular basis often have dry, dull, lackluster skin. They may deal with pigmentation issues. They may also deal with acne, sun damage, and a wide variety of other skin issues.
There are other exfoliation methods that can be used to help improve the condition of your skin. For example, a lot of people out there have used microdermabrasion successfully. However, chemical peels can offer superior results to other exfoliation treatments. They are much more versatile and can be used to help you deal with specific issues. The chemical combinations can be adjusted in order to help you get the results that you are hoping for.
It is good for our Louisville, KY clients to know that chemical peels vary in strength. A light peel may be applied for just a couple of minutes to provide light exfoliation. There are also medium strength and full strength chemical peels. All peels need to be done under the care of a skin care professional who will monitor the individual and perform the treatment in the right way.
When you visit our Louisville, KY office, you will have your skin thoroughly examined by a highly-trained skin care professional. After the examination is done, this professional is going to listen closely to the specific goals that you have as far as improving the condition of your skin. Then you’ll hear about the different options that are available and what will best meet your needs.
If you want the benefits that come from chemical peels, get in touch with us at the office of Plastic Surgeon Dr. Joseph Banis in Louisville, KY. We will show you how you can get healthy, radiant skin. Contact us today to book your appointment!